Saturday 9 April 2011

steam pork ribs with black bean (黑豆鼓蒸排骨)

I followed the AVA recipe for cooking frozen meat to cook this dish, but I used fresh ribs from the market.

pork ribs (the type with soft bone) - about 300 g enough
Chinese style black bean (can be bought from the market for just $0.30, don't bother to buy the whole jar typed. It will last you till your next generation or into the bin!)
1 red chilli (finely chopped)
1 chilli padi (finely chopped)
3-4 garlic (finely chopped)
1 inch length of leek (finely chopped) - I found this to be the secret to the fragrance for steam dish, as there is no oil used to fry the garlic to provide the fragrance

1 tbsp potato starch (生粉)
1 tbsp fine sugar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
white pepper
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp veg oil

1. Wash pork ribs and pat dry with kitchen towel.
2. Wash black bean with water to rinse off the salt.(very important, otherwise you will end up with salted ribs instead)
3. Add black beans, chilli, garlic, leek and all the seasoning except the sesame oil, potato starch and veg oil. Mix thoroughly. Finally, add the sesame oil followed by the potato starch.
4. Allow to marinate. (You can go to sleep, go exercise, etc. I went for teens fellowship and gave instruction for daughter to put it into the steamer at a specific time so dinner can be ready when I am home.)

5. Add the veg oil and mix well before putting in the steamer.
6. Steam for at least 30 minutes. (Longer will mean softer bones)
7. Enjoy!

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